About Me
A Short Narrative CV
Iskandar Z Siregar earned a Bachelor’s degree (Ir.) in Forestry from IPB University (a.k.a Bogor Agricultural University) in 1989, a Master of Forestry (M.For.Sc) degree from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand in 1994, and a Doctorate in Forest Genetics (Dr. forst) from University of Goettingen, Germany, in 2000. He has been working as a lecturer in the Silviculture Department of the Faculty of Forestry and Environment (FAHUTAN) at IPB University since 1990 and obtained the title of Professor in Forest Genetics in 2010. In addition to his role as a lecturer and professor, he also teaches in the Graduate Program, namely the Tropical Silviculture Study Program at the Silviculture Department of FAHUTAN IPB, and the Natural Resources and Environment Study Program at the IPB Graduate School. Currently, aside from being a faculty member and professor, he also serves as the Vice Rector for Global Connectivity, Cooperation, and Alumni of IPB (term 2023-2028). Previously, he served as the Director of the International Program at IPB from 2018 to 2023, Director of Research and Innovation at IPB from 2013 to 2018, and Director of Research and Strategic Studies at IPB from 2010 to 2013. Through these positions, he is being exposed to internationalization including involvement in various ERASMUS+ CBHE projects such as UN4DRR, S-FARM, SPIRIT and CS4ALL. He has produced more than 135 scientific papers indexed in scopus database journals, and at least 5 books, and 3 patents. He is actively involved in various international organizations such South East Asia Germany Alumni Network, Chapter Indonesia (SEAG – Indonesia), Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC), International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), as well as national organizations such as PII-BKTHut (Indonesian Engineers Association – Forestry Engineering Technical Body), MAPEKI (Indonesian Wood Researchers Society), Indonesian Breeding Association (PERIPI), Indonesian Arboriculture Society (MArI), etc.